jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Activity 4


pollito- chicken ( Lidia )
gallina- hen ( Delia )
lapiz- pencil ( Susana )
y boli- pen ( Maria M. )

ventana – window ( Lidia )
puerta – door ( Delia )
techo- ceiling ( Susana )
y piso- floor ( Maria M. )

Si tu cantas conmigo podras comprender
If your sing with me , your can understand
Y verás que facil es hablar Inglés (TODAS)
And you will see that easy english is to speak

almohada- pillow ( Lidia )
cama –bed ( Delia )
mesa- table ( Susana )
y silla- chair ( Maria M. )

dedos –fingers ( Lidia )
cabeza- head ( Delia )
brazos- arms ( Susana )
y pierna- leg ( Maria M. )

Si tu cantas conmigo podras comprender
If your sing with me , your can understand (TODAS )
Y verás que facil es hablar Inglés
And you will see that easy english is to speak

pollito- chicken ( Lidia )
gallina- hen ( Delia )
lapiz- pencil ( Susana )
y boli- pen ( Maria M. )

ventana – window ( Lidia )
puerta – door ( Delia )
techo- ceiling ( Susana )
y piso- floor ( Maria M. )

pollito- chicken ( TODAS )
gallina- hen

Si tu cantas conmigo podras comprender
If your sing with me , your can understand
Y verás que facil es hablar Inglés ( TODAS )
And you will see that easy english is to speak

esto ha sido todo
this is the end ( TODAS )
y aqui termina
good bye my friend


Language Development In Children

Age of Child Typical Language Development

6 Months :

Vocalization with intonation
Responds to his name
Responds to human voices without visual cues by turning his head and eyes
Responds appropriately to friendly and angry tones

12 Months :

Uses one or more words with meaning (this may be a fragment of a word)
Understands simple instructions, especially if vocal or physical cues are given
Practices inflection
Is aware of the social value of speech

18 Months :

Has vocabulary of approximately 5-20 words
Vocabulary made up chiefly of nouns
Some echolalia (repeating a word or phrase over and over)
Much jargon with emotional content
Is able to follow simple commands

24 Months :

Can name a number of objects common to his surroundings
Is able to use at least two prepositions, usually chosen from the following: in, on, under
Combines words into a short sentence-largely noun-verb combinations (mean) length of sentences is given as 1.2 words
Approximately 2/3 of what child says should be intelligible
Vocabulary of approximately 150-300 words
Rhythm and fluency often poor
Volume and pitch of voice not yet well-controlled
Can use two pronouns correctly: I, me, you, although me and I are often confused
My and mine are beginning to emerge
Responds to such commands as "show me your eyes (nose, mouth, hair)"

36 Months :

Use pronouns I, you, me correctly
Is using some plurals and past tenses
Knows at least three prepositions, usually in, on, under
Knows chief parts of body and should be able to indicate these if not name
Handles three word sentences easily
Has in the neighborhood of 900-1000 words
About 90% of what child says should be intelligible
Verbs begin to predominate
Understands most simple questions dealing with his environment and activities
Relates his experiences so that they can be followed with reason
Able to reason out such questions as "what must you do when you are sleepy, hungry, cool, or thirsty?"
Should be able to give his sex, name, age
Should not be expected to answer all questions even though he understands what is expected

48 Months :

Knows names of familiar animals
Can use at least four prepositions or can demonstrate his understanding of their meaning when given commands
Names common objects in picture books or magazines
Knows one or more colors
Can repeat 4 digits when they are given slowly
Can usually repeat words of four syllables
Demonstrates understanding of over and under
Has most vowels and diphthongs and the consonants p, b, m, w, n well established
Often indulges in make-believe
Extensive verbalization as he carries out activities
Understands such concepts as longer, larger, when a contrast is presented
Readily follows simple commands even thought the stimulus objects are not in sight
Much repetition of words, phrases, syllables, and even sounds.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Activity 3

Activity 3:
----3.1. Example activity with a song. (Already done)
----3.2 Choose a video with a song. Prepare an activity for children to add to your blog. Specify the age for which it has been designed and how you would exploit it. (Individual work) Explantions can be in English or in Spanish.


-Children from three to four years
Los niños, se colocan en circulo,y mientras suena la cancion los niños saltan todos a la vez,y van cayendo al suelo uno a uno,asi los niños se iran restando y cantaran la canción con la cantidad de niños que quedan saltando.Finalmente todos los niños permanecen sentados en el suelo.
La finalidad que tiene,es que los niños asi aprendan de forma divertida y educativa a contar los números.
Esta actividad se realizará dos dias a la semana,durante una duración de dos sesiones de la canción.

Activity 1

Activity 1: Make your own blog
If you already have a gmail account, wait for the other students to finish. Meanwhile you can practise the Pronunciation of sounds or work on the simple past (4 Intermediate)

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

My first day

I think that english is difficult for me