sábado, 5 de junio de 2010


La actividad que elegido es para realizarla con niños de tres años. Esta actividad se realiza para que los niños aprendan a describir a las personas. Se realizará una vez por semana con una duración de 20 min.

Development Activity
The teacher teaches children about images where characters appear to represent qualities (short, fat, skinny ... people). These characters will be animated so that the children can have more fun. Under each image, a comment appears to describe a person. Children with the help of the teacher will read it together. In the days when children know the vocabulary, the teacher may ask questions to them one by one. The teacher teaches them the image and asks them:

- What is the man like?

- Is he fat or thin?

The children with the vocabulary you have learned and will respond to the teacher.


She is young = Ella es joven

He is old = Él es viejo.

She is old = Ella es vieja


He is thin = Él es delgado

He is fat = Él es gordo


He is tall = Él es alto

He is short = Él es bajito

1 comentario:

  1. Bé, Maria, però podries llevar tot l'espai que sobra baix (selecionar i suprimir)
    Ademés cal que corregisques el següent:

    Development Activity

    The teacher teaches children about images where characters appear to represent qualities (short, fat, skinny ... people). These characters will be animated so that the children can have more fun. Under each image, a comment appears to describe a person. Children with the help of the teacher will read it together. In the days when children know the vocabulary, the teacher may ask questions to them one by one. The teacher teaches them the image and asks them:

    - What is the man like?

    - Is he fat or thin?

    The children with the vocabulary you have learned and will respond to the teacher.
